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Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

Bengkayang Traditional and Special food

Hay guys!!
Hmm, I’d like to bring you to find the treasure in my hometown again. Yups, it’s such kind of too much, isn’t it?? Hehe
Alright, after we have been looked the scenery, the story, even the famous place that are exist in Bengkayang regency, now we have to look at the special food in Bengkayang..
Let’s check these out!
Because of most people in Bengkayang is Dayaknese, so that I’ll tell you about their special food. Its name is Tumpi. This is the traditional food of their ethnic. It is the food that we can only find it on certain celebration that we call Gawai Dayak. Beside that, this cookie is a symbol of that celebration. It is a must to make and serve “Tumpi” when Gawai Dayak come because it symbolizes as a form of happily because the farmers have already harvest the rice and they celebrate their success of plant the rice. 

Lemang is also special food from dayaknese, but it is more famous than Tumpi because every ethnic can make this as national cookie. I’m sure that all of you has known well about this one, hasn’t it?
This cookie is made from sticky rice, coconut milk, garlic, and salt. It is a unique cookie because the sticky rice is cooked in young bamboo stick and then it is burnt. what‘s about the taste? Hmm, it is delicious. You will got addict when taste it. Then we also can see the symbol of this cookie from Dayaknese point of view that it symbolizes glue of brotherhood because the texture of Lemang is sticky. 

the source of this picture is http://cdn-u.kaskus.us/46/vf4ljfum.jpg

Lempok Durian Bengkayang
Do you like Durian? It is the unique fruit that has many consumers and make the people getting mad to get it with the expensive price. If you like Durian, it is absolutely you know Lempok, isn’t it? Absolutely, West Borneo people know and ever taste this kind of cookie. It is a special cookie from West Borneo that we must proud of. Most of us are just familiar with Lempok that is made by Pontianak, but actually Bengkayang also have same product for this food. The product is more original because the people make it 100% from Durian and sugar without the mixing of other material such as flour. Really delicious!
You won’t regret buy it because the price isn’t really expensive for the original taste of 100% durian. You can prove it when you come to my hometown and enjoy this food.

posted by Riska Octavianti

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